There's a bug in vSphere 4.* that requires your to re-register/reregister (remove then re-add) before you can edit the VM. VMware has a workaround (, so here's the PowerCLI code that makes it easier:
param ($VM, [switch]$WhatIf=$False, [switch]$RunAsync = $False)
#script to re-register a vm
if ($_){
$VM = $_
if (( $VM | GM)[0].TypeName -match "VirtualMachineImpl|TemplateImpl"){
foreach ($v in $vm){
if (( $v | GM)[0].TypeName -match "TemplateImpl"){
$v = $v | Set-Template -ToVM -confirm:0
$RunAsync = $False
$VMFilePath = $v | Get-View | % { $_.Config.Files.VmPathName }
#$vuid = $v | % { $_.Uid.Split("/")[1] }
if ( ( $VMFilePath ) -and ($v.VMHost.ConnectionState -eq "Connected") ){
$zn = Remove-VM -vm $v -DeletePermanently:0 -whatif:$whatif -confirm:0
New-VM -Name $ -WhatIF:$whatif -VMHost $v.vmhost -VMFilePath $VMFilePath -Location $v.Folder -RunAsync:$RunAsync
}elseIf ($v.VMHost.ConnectionState -ne "Connected" ){
write-host -foreground red -background white $ on $v.VMhost is $v.VMhost.ConnectionState
write-host -fore Yellow "-VM Not VIrtualMachineImpl"